Guideline for safe online payment applied for individual customers
In order to create more favorable conditions for customers to pay for golden gifts online, we accept payment via VTCpay.
To proceed to order a 24K gold plated gift created by Golden Gift Vietnam using the online payment method via VTCpay, please follow the steps as follows:
Step 1: View details of the gift you want to buy, select the quantity and click the order button.
Step 2: Fill in the recipient information according to the instructions below:
Then click the blue button to transfer the next step.
Step 3: You choose a payment method.
There are 3 methods of delivery including Cash on delivery, Bank transfer, and Payment via VTCpay. You select the 3rd method and then click the order button.
Step 4: Select the type of card you want to pay.
Step 5: You enter your card information and click the payment button.
This is the end of your order process, we will contact you to delivery as soon as receiving the successful payment.
Thank you for choosing the 24K gold plated gifts created by Golden Gift Vietnam. If you have anything we need support, please contact us at the phone number (viber): +84 90 368 1551 or leave your comment below.
Trinh Lien/ Golden Gift Vietnam